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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Top MMORPG Games

Pay-To-Play MMORPGs

1) World Of Warcraft
This MMORPG is definitely the best mmorpg out, has over 9million members.

2) Lord Of The Rings Online
This game is fantastic, the scenary is INTENSE! I actually quit WoW for this game, the only reason this game isnt first is because, its fairly new and has alot of bugs, content to be fixed. But i wouldnt doubt that this game will take first place within 6-12months or longer.

3) Eve Online
Now this is a different type of MMORPG, its a sci-fi mmorpg, this game has the best economy i have ever seen.

4) Final Fantasy XI
Though this game isnt as popular as its competitors, its still a very good game.

5) City of Heroes/ Villains
Great mmorpg for casual gamers , hardcore gamers MIGHT like it aswell just because of the PVP.

6) Dark Age Of Camelot
Now this is the best PVP mmorpg i have ever played, just because of there 3 realm system. Its a bit outdated but still very steady in terms of quality.

7) Everquest
This MMORPG used to be number one before WoW came out. I dont like how they have so many expansion packs, that just makes it to confusing etc.

8)Dungeons and dragons online
This MMORPG, is a bit different from the average MMORPG, it has very well written quests, this game is amazing if you like to solo play!

This game really rocks for PVP with there siege events, PVP gameplay etc. That being said, is the only really good thing about this game.

10)Saga of Ryzom
Not a well known mmorpg, heck i only heard about it a few months ago. It has a decent story line, with cool character freedom.


1)Guild Wars
This is the best game for free mmorpgs, you have to buy the game, but theres NO subscription fee!

This game looks amazing, wicked gameplay, since its free its on the top 10 chart!

Yes i know, people hate it, or people love it. But this game is one of the most popular mmorpgs since its completly free and easy to play. And it is very addicting, but you have to actually get into it. Graphics/gameplay arent the best but makes up for it with being so addicting.

This is an mmorpg that i still play till this day, i love it. It may be a big grind, but its so addicting and theres so much to do. And of course 100% free

5)Sword of the New World
The creators of ragnorak online created this game, you can control 3 players at once, and all characters of the player are in a family. The graphics are stunning!

I used to play this alot, its a great game, you get to fly :) Hence fly for fun.

7)Supreme Destiny
Want to play a game with intense graphics? This is your game, i didnt find it all that fun but many people do.

8)Dungeon Runners
Now this game is cool, diablo 2 fans would like this.

Was pay to play before, but now its free. Amazing pvp system.

10)Conquer Online
I used to play this game alot, its very fun. Graphics arent the best, but there ok.
